Math Demos

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Auto-Linearization Automatically selects the closest, easiest point to center local linearization using local quadratic approximation
Cart Animation Animate the movement of a cart using a function of time!
Cart Animation 2 Similar to Cart Animation, except the background parallax-scrolls so that you don't have to chase down the cart.
Volume of Revolution Visualize and calculate the volume of revolution of a provided function f(x) using the shell method
Dual Volumes of Revolution Visualize and calculate the volume of revolution between functions f(x) and g(x) using the washer method
Calculating Pi Shows how the formula converges at π, using the limit as x approaches ∞.
Concavity Displays where a function is concave up and concave down, and highlights inflection points.
Extrapolating inverse functions Numerically calculate the inverse function with regression.
Adjustable Taylor Polynomial Generate a Taylor Polynomial approximation at a given point on a curve
GeoGebra Taylor Polynomial Generate a Taylor Polynomial of any degree at a given point on a curve (GeoGebra)
Arc Length Find the Arc Length of a given curve between two points
Arc Length (Polar) Find the Arc Length of a given polar function between two angles
Arc Length (Parametric) Find the Arc Length of a given parametric function between two values of t.
Symmetric Difference Quotient Calculate the derivative at a point using the Symmetric Difference Quotient method
Simple Harmonic Motion Animate a simple box-spring system given physics constraints
Tangent of a Polar Function Display the tangent line of a polar function given an angle
Tangent of a Parametric Function Display the tangent line and speed of a parametric given a value
Integrals Approximations Showcases Left, center, and right-sided Riemann sums along with the Trapezoidal approximation method for calculating integrals
Simple Integrals Displays the net area and total area under a function, with an adjustable zero-floor.
Dual Integrals Similar to Simple Integrals, except with two functions
Polar Integral Evaluate the area enclosed by a polar function
Dual Polar Integral Evaluate the area between two polar functions
Table Integrals Integrating table data using the Trapezoidal method
Local Linearization Illustrates how linearization works
Differentiability Highlights the function as red if the function is not differentiable at a given point, and green if it is.
Integral C finder Finds the value of C when calculating the anti-derivative for any function
Anti-Derivatives Plot the anti-derivative, given a function and a c-value
Polar to Cartesian Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Cartesian to Polar Convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates
Probability Density Demonstration of calculating probability with PDFs
Mean and Median of Probability Density Find the mean and median of a PDF
Inverse functions Plot the inverse function numerically by switching x and y
Simple orbits A basic planet animation system using circle transformations
Complex orbits A more correct planet simulation supporting elliptical orbits using circle transformations
Slope Field Generator An enhanced version of an existing slope field generator that is easier to use
Tangent and Normal lines A demo showing the equations for the tangent and normal lines at a given point
Average Rate of Change A simple graph which shows slope calculation
Least-Squares Regression Given means and standard deviations, calculate the line of least-squares regression
Boxplots Display a box plot given quartiles
Expected Value, Standard Deviation, and Variance Calculate the above using outcomes and probabilities
Animated Pride Flag Support LGBT+!